Sustainability at BASF Fuel and Lubricant Solutions
Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Fuel and Lubricant Solutions


New perspectives for a sustainable future
At BASF Fuel and Lubricant Solutions, we strive to continuously enhance sustainability within our industry. With a clear focus on three strategic pillars, our passionate team drives the industry transformation jointly with our customers and other partners


for Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Sustainable development for us at BASF means combining economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection. For Fuel and Lubricant Solutions this not only summarizes our aspiration to be economically successful in our business but also includes – wherever feasible – delivering solutions that in addition enable our customers to realize cost savings through the use of our solutions.

Cost Savings

Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

By 2050 nine billion people will live on our planet, but there will still only be one earth. We at BASF understand that our current rate of resource consumption is not sustainable and management of available resources needs to be handled more efficiently on all levels. Fuel and Lubricant Solutions’ offering can help to utilize selected resources in the most efficient way and by doing so contribute to preservation of currently available resources for future generations.

Resource Efficiency

Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

An important part of ecology is the aspect of biodegradability. This trait is essential when operating in environmentally sensitive surroundings to avoid the negative consequences resulting out of releases into the environment. Fuel and Lubricant Solutions offers a broad range of products which can be used to deliver the technical and sustainability performance needed in environmentally sensitive areas.


Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Durability represents the ability of a machine, equipment, material or item to last and operate for long periods under operating conditions. The longer it can last, the better – as this also has a positive impact on other sustainability aspects, for example the efficiency with which resources are being used. Our business unit delivers solutions that address this aspect effectively, for example through operating fluids that maximize the life of gears and engines while enabling operations at full load.


Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Renewable raw materials contribute to a sustainable development by reducing CO2 emissions through their climate-neutral balance and by replacing mineral oil based raw materials in a variety of industries and application fields. Within its portfolio Fuel and Lubricant Solutions offers a range of products based on renewable raw materials.


Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

With a growing population, world energy consumption continues to be on the rise. This includes energy for heat and power consumed by individuals as well as by a broad range of industrial processes. Solutions provided by our business unit can contribute to the reduction of energy needed in various applications through optimized operations and lead to less energy consumption.


Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

At BASF, we never compromise on safety. This is a commitment enshrined in our company statement. For us, that means ensuring and further developing safe working conditions. Our globally valid safety concepts serve to protect BASF employees, contractors and our neighbors. Safe plants and the strong safety awareness of our qualified employees are the prerequisite for trouble-free production. A high degree of safety awareness together with clear rules and guidelines form the basis for the trust that the public places in our company. At Fuel and Lubricant Solution we additionally look at potential Health and Safety aspects within the industries we serve and try to address them through our product solutions.

Health and Safety

Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Waste results from community and household activities, but of course also from industrial manufacturing processes. Often the amount of waste is an indication whether materials are used efficiently. Facing a growing world population and also limited resources, our society needs answers on how we can minimize waste to preserve our earth. Besides optimizing use of raw materials e.g., through BASF’s Verbund system, we at Fuel and Lubricant Solutions provide products that directly or indirectly support the reduction of waste.

Waste Reduction

Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

With an increasing global population and its demand for energy and need for transportation, emissions and global warming pose a true challenge to the environment and its inhabitants. At Fuel and Lubricant Solutions we provide solutions that can help to reduce emissions in various ways but also deliver additional performance benefits.

Emissions and Climate Change

Sustainability - Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Our solutions contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)

Our products offer a wide range of benefits that contribute to one or even more of the UN SDGs.
This way, we enable impactful contributions to Sustainability along our industries' value chains.

Strategic Pillars

We focus on ...

Circular Economy 
We decouple economic growth from resource consumption. We concentrate on three action areas: circular feedstocks, new material cycles and new business models. We use BASF’s biomass balance (BMB) and ChemCyclingTM approaches that contribute to the use of renewable and recycled feedstock and develop new circular business models.
Carbon Management
Increase process and energy efficiency, reduce nitrous oxide emissions, develop breakthrough technologies for low-emission production and increase the share of renewable energies in power supply.
Sustainable Solution Steering® 
We develop a more sustainable product portfolio for the demanding needs of our customers’ value chains. We use our expertise to continuously improve our future-oriented sustainable product offering and stay ahead of regulatory requirements (RegXcellence®).

Sustainable Solutions

Moving Sustainability Forward!

New Perspectives

Engage with us - to shape the bigger picture

At BASF Fuel and Lubricant Solutions we understand the challenges ahead and are committed to tackling them together with our industry partners. Leveraging our strong technological, policy and advocacy expertise we offer inspiring dialogue and consultancy on a broad range of pressing issues, including:


The EU Taxonomy, The European Green Deal, Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS), Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), EU Hydrogen Strategy and Energy Integration Strategy, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), Electro mobility and electric vehicles (EV), Renewable energy, Alternative feedstocks (renewable, circular and bio-based feedstock), The Korean Green Deal


Contact us today to discuss the action of tomorrow!

Sustainability Services for Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Unique tools, practical solutions and best practices to manage your daily challenges

Key properties & features

  • Sustainability Position Finder
  • Sustainable Solutions Steering®
  • Product Carbon Footprint
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Life Cycle Inventory
  • Eco-Efficiency Analysis
  • Biomass Balance Products
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions
  • Product Environmental Labelling Schemes
  • Consultancy

Customer benefits

  • Identifying sustainability trends and hot topics in our markets
  • Embedding sustainability as a core part of business strategy and innovation process
  • Identifying possibilities for quick wins, as well as long term strategic options
  • Understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of your products to fine-tune their value proposition
  • Supporting your marketing messages with a factual approach to sustainability
  • Fact-based communication that inspires

Eco-Efficiency Analysis according to BASF methodology

Demonstrate the sustainability advantages of your product

  • Assesses sustainability performance of products and processes on a comprehensive and comparative basis
  • Combines cradle-to-grave environmental and economic impacts
  • Compares different options in these two dimensions Helps decision-making by reducing complex information to simple graphs and a single recommendation
  • Identifies sustainability levers for improvement

Partnerships, Responsibility & Industry Commitment

What others say about us