July 29, 2021

Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

China: IECSC (Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China)

The IECSC is a chemical inventory of existing chemical substances which have been produced or imported within the territory of China before October 15th, 2003.

All chemicals which are listed in the inventory can be imported into China without new chemical notification or registration obligations to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). The inventory contains in its public part more than 45000 substances. MEE has just recently supplemented >160 chemicals into IECSC including around 10% contributed from BASF.

For all chemicals that are not listed in IECSC, market access to China can be allowed if new chemical notification is completed by MEE.

Data requirements for submission of a registration dossier depend on annually imported or produced volumes, and nature of a substance.  However simplified notifications for small quantities or polymers with listed monomers or polymers of low concern (PLC) are possible. For both scenarios, importers receive a certificate from the MEE as approval of a successful registration, except R&D notification type.

As the registration obligation is legal entity specific (REACH-like) it applies for by every importing company. Producers can offer customers to benefit by enabling “piggy backing” to their import notification for some substances, which can save lots of time and money to customers.

With our experience we can support you on your way to the Chinese market with “new chemical substances”.