Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Fuel and Lubricant Solutions


As a leading solution provider for fuels and lubricants, we are leveraging our chemical know-how and industry expertise to service our customers in the marine industry, delivering the exact solutions needed to face their challenges ahead.

Whether it comes to IMO 2020 (0.5% global sulphur cap for marine fuels) or the implications of VGP (restrictions on the use and discharge of lubricants) - BASF's Fuel and Lubricant Solutions help you stay on course!

  • Customized fuel additive formulations
  • High-performance coolants for engines and electrical equipment
  • Broad portfolio of high-performance lubricant components
  • Solutions/flexibility to comply with regulations
  • Improved durability/reduced maintenance 
  • Cost-effective solutions

Marine Regulations

Marine Fuel Additives

Marine Lubricants

Marine Coolants

Marine Lab Insights by BASF