Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Highly Reactive Polyisobutene (HR-PIB)


As a leading global component provider, our customers can rely on both security of supply and consistently high product quality.
Customers from the fuel and lubricant industries benefit from our broad portfolio of HR-PIB products when formulating their high performance and market leading solutions. Beyond that, our HR-PIB is being used in many other applications, such as emulsion explosives, sealants, adhesives and greases - to name only a few. Our HR-PIBs span a wide range of viscosities and molecular weights. Leveraging our backward integration into key raw materials, we provide our customers with a high supply security and flexibility to address their specific needs. Our products display high and consistent quality, are very homogeneous, and chemically stable against oxidation.

BASF’s portfolio comprises two product lines. Highly reactive polyisobutene (e.g., GLISSOPAL® 1000, 1300 and 2300), which is used predominantly in the fuel and lubricant additive industry, but also in the manufacture of emulsion explosives. In addition, we also produce a family of so called V-Type products, which are eminently designed to match a certain viscosity value and are suitable high-viscous components for, e.g., thickening of lubricants.

Through BASF’s extensive logistics network, we ensure an efficient and timely delivery of our products in tank trucks, rail cars and ISO containers as well as drums. 

Production Sites

With production sites strategically positioned in Ludwigshafen/Germany, Antwerp/Belgium, Nanjing/China and Kuantan/Malaysia, we leverage our strong supply and logistic position to cater to customers’ needs in our worldwide markets. Our unique global sales and distribution network in combination with our production footprint enable us to reliably supply our customers with high and consistent product quality and provide delivery security.


Antwerp, Belgium

Das Herz der BASF-Gruppe ist die BASF SE mit ihrem Stammwerk in Ludwigshafen am Rhein. Mit etwa 250 Produktionsbetrieben, vielen hundert Laboren, Technika, Werkstätten und Büros auf einer Fläche von rund zehn Quadratkilometern, ist es der größte zusammenhängende Chemiekomplex der Welt.Das Stammwerk der BASF ist auch die Wiege des Verbundkonzepts: Produktionsanlagen, Energieflüsse und Logistik werden intelligent miteinander vernetzt, um Ressourcen so effizient wie möglich zu nutzen.


Ludwigshafen, Germany


Kuantan, Malaysia (BPC JV)

Der Verbundstandort Nanjing besitzt mit 220 Hektar Fläche knapp ein Drittel der Größe des Standorts Ludwigshafen. BASF-YPC Co. Ltd. ist ein 50:50-Joint-Venture zwischen der BASF und SINOPEC mit einem Investitionsvolumen von 2,9 Milliarden US-Dollar.


Nanjing, China (BYC JV)

Product Grades

HR-PIB is a polyisobutene that has more than 85% of its double bonds located in the terminal position of the molecule, allowing it to react more quickly when producing derivatives, especially detergents and dispersants. Processing with HR-PIB also produces less char during manufacture and the derivative products are used to improve final fuel and lubricant performance.
BASF’s V-Types polyisobutene portfolio has specifically been designed to meet the demanding requirements of the lubricant industry.

High performance PIB V-Type grades

Polyisobutenes for the Lubricant Industry

Cost-effective high viscosity base stocks with good shear stability
BASF’s portfolio of PIB homopolymers has been designed to meet the demanding requirements of the lubricant industry.


HR-PIB derived from 100% renewable feedstock

Delivering measurable CO2 savings
The GLISSOPAL® BMBcert™ portfolio consists of the first low molecular (highly reactive) polyisobutenes that can now also be derived from 100% renewable feedstock. Of course, all of that without compromising on performance and quality. Contact us to discuss your individual needs..