Refinery using BASF'S refinery Additives for Middle Distillates
Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Refinery Additives

for Middle Distillates

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Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Refinery Additives for Middle Distillates - BASF

Customized Innovation - Reliable Performance

Increasing worldwide demand for diesel, more stringent environmental legislation for transportation fuels and changing fossil energy resources: Refiners are facing a lot of challenges - BASF's Refinery Additives offer a wide range of solutions, covering flow improvement, property enhancement and stabilization.

Comprehensive know-how in middle distillate treatment

From cold flow improvers, assuring the operability of diesel fuels even at cold temperatures, and lubricity additives preventing wear in diesel distribution pumps to static dissipaters providing a minimum conductivity in low sulfur fuels: BASF's Refinery Additives provide solutions to many problems of modern fuel production.

Backward integration and global distribution network

With a worldwide distribution network and backward-integration into key raw material, BASF's Refinery Additives offer maximum supply chain reliability. A global network of technical service centers provides optimal support by a committed team helping our customers to be more successful. Steady product improvement assures best product performance in a fast changing environment.

Our levers for performance


  • Over 80 years experience in cold-flow technology
  • Customized products and formulations
  • Customer-specific solutions
  • Technical service
  • Supply security

Products & Brands - Our Refinery Additives for Middle Distillates

Your strong reliable partner for the fuel industry

KEROFLUX® Cold Flow Improvers

Property Enhancement and Stabilization

Learn more about BASF’s comprehensive expertise along the oil value chain of the conversion of crude oil into fuels with high performance characteristics.