Automotive & Transportation

Automotive & Transportation

Powertrain & Chassis  

Drive forward. Together.

Our products for powertrain and chassis can improve engine performance while reducing fuel consumption and offering an excellent drive experience mixing sportiness with safety. Our products also allow the optimal design of critical components and ensure long-term protection against corrosion and deposits. The air we breathe is kept cleaner by removing pollutants and particle matters, while the driving range for electric cars is extended by reducing curb weight.

Our products for all kinds of powertrains and for chassis can improve engine performance while reducing energy consumption and offering an excellent drive experience.
What you can expext from us

More performance at lower impact

  • Enhanced protection
  • Extended durability
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Cleaner air


How we drive solutions for powertrain & chassis

Additive component for engine oils – gain the power to save in fuel

Soundproofing – silence under the hood

Lubricants – gearing up

Oil circuit – keeping the pistons strong

Fuel additives – protecting and cleaning the fuel system

Fuel circuit – stable enough for biodiesel

eMobility – driving forward electric vehicles

Coolants – cooling the engine

Chassis – safe and smooth running

Catalytic converter – cleaning the air